Friday, May 8, 2009

Future Generation: The children of the unemployed and homeless today

To the Republicans … thanks for all your concern for the economic burdens that the future generations will have to endure based on the fiscal spending of today. While your concern is amicable, do you realize that the future generation is the children of today that are homeless, hungry and destitute in many cases due to the financial crisis that the United States is enduring now. Many of these children are not concerned about the financial status of the United States next year, five years, or even ten years from now because they are more concerned with the fact that their standard of living has changed tremendously due to their parents losing their homes and living in tent cities, being laid off and forced to receive unemployment benefits, or ineligible for unemployment and having to apply for welfare benefits that do not cover the families basic needs, let alone allow the child to enjoy some of the “joys of life” that they had before the economic crisis. Children of today are the “now” generation that is concerned with what is happening today and not in the future. They understand that in order for the economic crisis to be resolved there has to be spending. They want their parents to be able to keep their homes or cars. Republicans keep complaining about the federal deficit and how it will affect the future generations that will have to absorb the debt. Did you ever stop to think who the future generation is? If so, you would see the absurdity of your argument and defense. In addition, the future cannot be predicted because if that was the case then President Clinton or President Reagan would have known that they world would be in a financial crisis in 2009 during their terms and creating a significant “surplus” that could would have alleviated the trillion dollar deficit that we are not facing. The United States could stabilize within the next five years and see an increase in employment and the financial crisis could be alleviated. In considering the current economic crisis, a five year old is less concerned about a federal deficit in 2020, than having food and shelter in 2009. The Republicans keep promoting the defense that “future generations will bear the burdens of the federal deficit of today”. In reality, the current generation is shouldering the financial burden as we see costs rising, unemployment rising, healthcare cost rising, etc. The only individuals truly complaining about the federal deficit are the Republicans and “affluent” that are not financially affected by the economic crisis. Therefore, to the Republicans and “affluent”, the unemployed and low income US Taxpayers say “Thanks for your concern for future generations and if you are so truly concerned then donate 10% of your current salary per month to reducing the federal deficit to make the future generations financial burdens less”. Otherwise, let President Obama do what is necessary to make sure that the future generations (children of today) receive the necessities that it takes for them to thrive and grow today.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The next Third World Country: The United States of America

There are over 6 million individuals unemployed in the United States. Many of these individuals are collecting unemployment benefits and some welfare benefits. However, in today’s economy the funds being received are barely enough to cover the costs of “having a roof over your head”. Thus many families are existing on less food than when the parents were gainfully employed. According to a Feeding America, a non-profit agency, more than 3.5 million children will not receive the recommended daily allowance of food need for their cognitive development. This makes the United States of America the next Third World country with families and children that are impoverished. The children would be suffering from malnutrition and physically and mentally underdeveloped. How can the United States allow so many children to be undernourished when they are allowing “big business” to pay retention bonuses to dysfunctional employees. The characteristics of many third world countries focuses on the underdevelopment of standards of living, healthcare, education, economics, and globalization. While the US had made some gains in globalization, there are significant deficiencies in standards of living, healthcare, education, and economics that can categorize the US as a Third World country. The standard of living in the US has been impacted by the financial crisis with many families homeless and without money for even their basic needs, such as food and water. The healthcare system in the US promotes the provision of healthcare to the employed and not the unemployed which contributes to the societal genocide as many families are unable to seek medical attention when needed. The education system is still focused on the elitest although it touts open access, yet SAT and ACT test alienate the minorities that are unable to meet the tough standards of the tests that provide for scholarships and grants that alleviate some of the financial burdens that can make college more accessible. The question for President Obama, Secretary Sebelius, and Congress is “What strategies can be put forth to alleviate the lack of ability to meet the basic needs of the common US Taxpayer when unemployment and welfare benefits are not sufficient?” The answer, without a doubt, is the raise the amount of unemployment benefits and the welfare benefits to a level that is appropriate to meet the standard of living for society in general. This means that families cannot survive on $312 per week in unemployment benefits or $240 per month in food stamps and be at the standard of living that they had when employed. When the US continues to provide billions of dollars to corporations so that they can survive (and the corporations use the monies to pay retention bonuses) then surely they can increase benefits for unemployment and welfare so that families can afford to meet their basic needs, especially when there is the potential for so many children to face severe hunger in the next few years.

3.5 Million Children Under 5 on the Verge of Going Hungry:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

AIG: President Obama and the Federal Government Jokes on you … again

AIG: President Obama and the Federal Government Jokes on you … again

AIG has indicated it paid out over four times the original amount in retention bonuses to its employees. The company indicated that it paid these bonuses across several divisions with the average individual receiving between $4-11K as retention bonuses. This is a change from the earlier disclosure in which it was indicated that some employees received bonuses of over $1 million dollars. It would seem that AIG has been using “selected” accounting methods to indicate their retention bonus payments. While the amount that has been paid out in retention bonuses by AIG is a source of great concern. The more fundamental question is “What is President Obama, Secretary Geithner, and Congress going to do about this debacle that is being created by AIG? When the country is in a state of financial crisis, with the 6.1 million people on unemployment receiving at modest $315 per week, when their previous income was at least $1000 per week and you have a company like AIG that had a substantive impact on creating the financial crisis receiving significant government bailout monies and then using the taxpayer monies to pay out over $400 million dollars in retention bonuses. President Obama campaigned on the “Yes, We Can” and has talked of change and how businesses cannot continue to operate as they have in the past. Well, it is time for President Obama to “walk the walk” and demonstrate to the American Taxpayers that AIG is not to big to be held accountable for their actions. It is time to step up to the plate and bring AIG to their rightful place and indicate that they cannot continue to “dupe” the Federal Government without repercussions. When an American Taxpayer provides “erroneous” information on their taxes or does not disclose their financial status, they are held “accountable” by the IRS and required to pay monies back and penalties, as well. How can AIG not be held by the same requirements, even though it is a corporation? The Federal Government and President Obama have got to make a stand now on corporations that receive bailout monies and use the monies to pay out retention bonuses rather than for the “operating expenses” that they indicated the funds were needed for.
The first step for President Obama and the Federal Government should be to require that CEO Edward Liddy “step down”. He is not an effective leader when he allowed the bonuses to be paid without full disclosure. CEO Liddy represents the same philosophy that permeates throughout so many other corporations among the leadership, “It is okay for the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer”. AIG needs a leader with “empathy” (the new President Obama buzzword”) that understands the plight of the American Taxpayers and that AIG cannot continue to operate as it has in the past. For the AIG employees that receive the retention bonuses, the Federal Government needs to require that AIG provide the names of the individuals and they need to be terminated from AIG for receiving retention bonuses for which they were not entitled. It is up to President Obama and the Federal Government to make sure that AIG is held accountable for their actions. If they do not then they are not representing the “will” of the American Taxpayers.

AIG bonuses four times higher than reported:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Texas secedes from the Union: The Republic of Texas (Fictional)

Texas secedes from the Union: The Republic of Texas (Fictional)

*Disclaimer: This blog is fictional and does not imply or suggest that Texas secede from the United States.

On January 1, 2010, Governor Perry indicated that Texas has seceded from the Union (The United States of America) and is now “The Republic of Texas”. Governor Perry has declared himself “The President of Texas” with Chuck Norris as the “Vice President of Texas”. Due to the new status of Texas the following have been enacted:
The 13th Amendment has been repealed. All minorities are to report to processing stations in major cities for deportation to the United States or assignment to job stations at plantations around the state.
Residents of Texas cannot hold dual citizenship as a United States Citizen and a Texas Citizen and must indicate their preference by January 30, 2010 or face deportation to the United States.
Individuals traveling between the United States and Texas must have Passports for entry as border checkpoints have been established at all entry points.
The Federal Department of Human Services will be replaced by the Texas Republic Department of Human Services (TRDHS). The TRDHS will provide short term assistance to Texas Citizens in the form of cash, housing, and medical assistance. Recipients of services must pass drug and alcohol testing to receive services. Services are limited to six months and once the maximum six months has been utilized the individual (or family) is not eligible for subsequent services for three years.
Texas citizens receiving unemployment benefits will be re-evaluated as of January 30, 2010. The maximum amount of benefits is limited to $200 per week for a total of 13 weeks. Recipients should be employed by the 13th week as no extension will be given.
Texas citizens attending colleges and universities will no longer be eligible for US Student Loans and will have to apply for Texas Republic Student Loans in a competitive process. Student loans will no longer be guaranteed. Students will have to pass a rigorous process to receive funding for postsecondary education as students with a high school GPA of 2.5 or lower will not be allowed to pursue a college degree. Minorities are not eligible for postsecondary education funding.

A special meeting of the Texas Legislature is scheduled for January 31, 2010 to discuss further legislation to be enacted in the Republic of Texas.